Thursday, September 3, 2009

Week 08 E.O.C. : Progress on my Energy Provider (Vodka alternate)

At the moment, I have decided and finalized my concept for this upcoming project. I am sticking with the idea of a campaign for a new type/brand of gum/mint that would give those who chew it a burst of energy; as though they used an energy drink. The main advantage for this is that it would be more convenient and would take away the worry of spilling a beverage. I have done some research at it seems like this would be ideal for many that work around many sensitive equipment. So far, I’ve been thinking of ways to promote this. I can see some television ads in the making that would be great for this along with some that would be great for online use. Product packaging would play a role in this as well because I would need to come up with something that would draw consumers towards it while demonstrating why it would be a necessity; depending on why you’re looking for an energy boost. I can see that have a strong web presence would be something I should keep in mind with it all. If not a website, an account with other, social networking sites could be key for the marketing portion for this. There are many ways to get the word out for this and, given the time, it seems like it would all work out for the promotion of the said product. I still have time to finalize this some more but I will be sure to do the best I can for this.

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